阿宾顿 education majors support parents in selecting diverse books for kids


A mother and child attended a workshop presented by 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 education majors that offered evidence-based support for parents on selecting diverse literature for their children


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 学生 majoring in elementary and early childhood education led a series of workshops at the 阿宾顿 Township library that provided evidence-based support for parents on selecting diverse literature for their children. The presentations were part of a course that examined the development of language and self-expression in young children and the role of children’s literature.  

Muge Olğun-Baytaş, 教育学助理教授, explained that to prepare for the presentations, four of her 学生 met with the Carolyn DuBois, the township library's head children’s librarian, to learn about the process behind selecting books. 

“在课程和图书管理员那里, we talked about social justice in children’s books and play and how we can use books and play to help children understand these issues. We are providing information that can help parents talk through books to their children about race, 残疾, 移民, 包容和其他社会正义经验,”她说。. 

“The workshops also helped our pre-service teachers practice talking to parents and build connections with the local community,Olğun-Baytaş在谈到这些工作坊时说, which fulfill Penn State’s land-grant mission of supporting individuals and communities through service and education. 

After the third session at the township library, 阿宾顿学生, 谁都是大三学生, 反思其成果. 

“我小时候没见过这类书, and this course and the presentations made me realize it is possible to talk with younger kids about these topics. It makes for a more accepting classroom,” Molly Fuhrmeister said. 

Bethany Smith was reminded that people are open to adding to their personal 太lkits as parents. 

“Parents may not realize how impactful literature is with children’s books. 他们经常能看到自己, 太, 在那些书里, and it was great that they came out to learn more to support their kids,”她说。. 

The 学生 also discussed how the experience impacted their thought process as they build their classroom libraries. 

“It was amazing being able to see how many books there are based around social justice issues. 但每本书都有自己的偏见, and you need to be careful about which books you choose to be in your classroom,里安农·布德尼克说. 

The last evening focused on books about 移民 and families in children’s literature. The 学生 suggested specific titles to parents after explaining terms such as undocumented, 难民和移民, and working through activities to build connections among the group. They also showed a brief video about the lengthy process of becoming a U.S. 公民. 

“It’s important that children understand what it takes to be a 公民 in our country and that everyone is entitled to basic human rights,学生露西·斯图尔特解释道. 

After recommending books such as “My Powerful Hair” by Carole Lindstrom and “Where Are You From?亚米尔·赛义德·门德斯著, the 学生 facilitated discussions about ways parents could explain the messages to their own children.  

The parents and children went home with tote bags filled with several hardback books that were paid for by a 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 Chancellor’s Grant, which also funded the supplies for the workshop. 


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